Nathan Richardson

Things I Like
America, Asterix, astronomy, Bev Doolittle’s art, bluegrass music, Boy Scouts, calligraphy, Calvin and Hobbes, camping and hiking, caves, Choose Your Own Adventure game books, Chris Heimerdinger’s Tennis Shoes adventure series, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, C. S. Lewis, dancing (folk, ballroom, Latin), Danny Kaye, Dick Van Dyke, Gail Carson Levine, game playing and design (board, card, and video, especially with educational slants), Greek mythology, horseback riding, InDesign, Jack Weyland’s novels, James Christensen’s art, Jeff Smith’s Bone graphic novels, Joe Dever’s Lone Wolf game books, the Legend of Zelda, legos (!), linguistics, J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, maps, PowerPoint, Prince Valiant, reading, sand castles, scriptures, Settlers of Catan, Sid Meier’s Civilization, Small World, tennis, Tin Tin, Tony Wolf’s Woodland Folk series, tree houses, user interfaces that are intuitive, volleyball, Walter Rane’s art, Zoobooks.
What I Do
By day I’m a speech therapist, but my secret identity is as a book designer. I’ve been doing layout and typography for fifteen years and have been lucky enough to design books written by authors such as Hugh Nibley, Susan Easton Black, and Joseph Fielding McConkie.