For years there has been a list floating around of suggested titles for each section of the Doctrine and Covenants, apparently composed by some helpful Seminary or Institute teacher somewhere. I frst ran into it in college in the early 2000s. I can’t be certain if this flashcard set is that same version I first saw, but other versions have also been made. I particularly enjoyed this list in the style of the Quran, focusing on first lines.
I wanted to create my own list, but realized I couldn’t do it until I became far more familiar with D&C than I was at the time. I have since studied it more, read a few books about it, have gone through several revisions, and have settled (for now) on this list of titles that I propose for the Doctrine and Covenants sections.
StoryGuide D&C Section Titles and Divisions in a Chronological Reading Checklist
I’ve also enlarged it into a four-page version with a larger font (you’re welcome, Mom!).
StoryGuide D&C Section Titles and Divisions in a Chronological Reading Checklist
(Large / Four-page)
Explanation of table by columns
Note that this is the same color scheme used in all my D&C Study Aids to show the same broad divisions.
Rationale for Titles
Content from Education Week presentation. Project goals and methodology.
Plans to make a video.
Tall single-column Pinterest-friendly image