Do-It-Yourself Pearl of Great Price

Do-It-Yourself Pearl of Great Price

Here’s what I learned when I created my own customized the layout of the Pearl of Great Price from the files on my Do-It-Yourself Scripture page. I created my own personalized edition of the scriptures that is annotated in a way that made sense to me. Since I am sometimes asked this question, let me clarify: I am not talking about writing your own scriptures, or altering the wording of the current scriptures in order to satisfy your preferences. I am talking about choosing fonts and page size, inserting headings where a new section seems to begin, etc.

Do-It-Yourself Doctrine and Covenants

Do-It-Yourself Doctrine and Covenants

Here are some insights I gained when I created my own customized the layout of the Doctrine and Covenants from the files on my Do-It-Yourself Scripture page. I created my own personalized edition of the scriptures that is annotated in a way that made sense to me. Since I am sometimes asked this question, let me clarify: I am not talking about writing your own scriptures, or altering the wording of the current scriptures in order to satisfy your preferences. I am talking about choosing fonts and page size, inserting headings where a new section seems to begin, etc.

Redesigned Scriptures Projects

Redesigned Scriptures Projects

One way I study the scriptures is by redesigning them in different ways. It started out as a one-time experiment, but I’ve ended up reformatting almost the entire standard works. When the scriptures were first written, there were no verse numbers or chapter breaks. So that’s how my files start out. I then go and enter headings, hit Enter at natural paragraph breaks, or color dialogue to make it easy to see at-a-glance if diety is talking, or if a prophet is talking, and how long the dialogue lasts. I’ve put links in this post so that others can redesign the scriptures on their own.