Book of Mormon Reading Charts

Book of Mormon Reading Charts

In the Book of Mormon section of the Study Aids page, you’ll find two newly created reading charts. The StoryGuide Scriptures Reading Chart helps you track your progress while also teaching you about the organization of the books. The Come Follow Me Reading...
Structural chapter reading chart: The Old Testament, Seminary selected readings

Structural chapter reading chart: The Old Testament, Seminary selected readings

This chart is identical to the structural chapter reading chart for the Old Testament, except I have greyed out many chapters so that only the selected readings from the Seminary Old Testament course are highlighted. I have also added the books of Moses and Abraham. I think Seminary students (and teachers!) would greatly benefit from using a progress-tracking chart like this, because they can learn something about the organization of the books while they read. Becoming oriented is central to understanding and retaining what you’re reading.

He’s Been There, a song about Jesus Christ

He’s Been There, a song about Jesus Christ

Guest post by Jelaire Richardson. This is a song I wrote about the Atonement of Jesus Christ while I was in the Missionary Training Center. We usually summarize the atonement by saying, “We are imperfect, so we need a Savior.” But I love how Chieko Okazaki takes a different approach by stating its inverse: “Perfect people do not need a Savior.” I was struggling with learning Dutch and sometimes felt like I didn’t deserve help learning the language because I wasn’t the perfect missionary. …

Structural chapter reading chart: The New Testament

Structural chapter reading chart: The New Testament

This reading chart not only helps you track your progress as you read the New Testament; it also helps you learn how the books are arranged, their major and minor subdivisions, as well as their internal storylines that are not always explicitly explained in the text itself. Now you can spend less time orienting yourself and more time gaining insights.

2 Nephi 3—Four Josephs

2 Nephi 3—Four Josephs

Here’s a brief PowerPoint slideshow and lesson plan that helps answer, “Who are the four people Lehi talks about in 2 Ne. 3 who are all named Joseph?” I’ve also made a timeline where you can try to figure out what order the Josephs were born in (i.e., who came first on a timeline of world history). Also included are helpful application questions for why this matters today.